
Friday, November 11, 2011

Thanksgiving Craft for Free Download Friday

So good to have you here today.
Today, there are two downloads.  The Pilgrim craft is great fun for kids.  These are really big when you get them finished.  
ALSO, we have a Bible Study on "  Being Thankful."
I hope you enjoy these. 
Have fun with your children while they are children. 
My son is grown and married now.  I miss those homeschool days.  Enjoy it while you can. 
I love you all,  Aunt B



  1. Thank you Aunt B.
    We are thankful for you & Love you too.
    You have all sorts of great things for us..
    I check here everyday to see if you have added anything new. It's like a kid going to a candy

  2. Thank you so much for the Bible Study. I think it is very important in a time that kids are bombarded with stuff that they want for Christmas and have to have.

  3. Hi Aunt B. I just wanted to leave a post so you can see what my kids did with your patterns. here is the link:

    I hope you enjoy & please feel free to join our blog if you like.
    God bless

    Misty@Nordyke Academy


I love comments! Thank you sharing your thoughts with Aunt B.
They are a blessing.